Portraits of Persons with Disabilities: Katie Curnow

“How do we get people to see, to see disability in themselves, that shame and stigma, and like to be eased of that? That takes society to change, so like the chicken or the egg? Do we help people disabilities you know, embracing and taking pride in themselves and their lived experience, is it getting society to change the way they think about it? So we're not born with these ideas of ourselves?”

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Portraits of Persons with Disabilities: Tara Holloman

I know we have the ADA, which was so pivotal, and I wish we had that same energy going forth, so that the whole world would be like, yeah, we’re all just people, with different abilities. And I wish we would see people for that, instead of the whole, colorblind culture. Like I was raised, where even my parents were like, everybody’s the same. You’re the same. It doesn’t matter that you’re brown and she’s white. And that’s beautiful, to an extent, but it’s also hurtful. Because even as an adult now, I’m almost 40 and I’m just now like, learning how to be proud that I’m this black woman. You know what I mean? Because I spent so much of my time pretending to be like everyone else that it was hard for me to step into me. And so I want people who have disabilities to feel like it’s okay to be different or not what everyone else thinks is normal. And I want other people to realize you have a disability too and just fucking own it. That’s how I feel. I feel like, please, accept who you are in the mirror, so you can accept all the people around you. And chances are you have a disability. You have what you have some pain in your elbow? That’s a disability, honey. I got some arthritis. You wear glasses? Do you have a little third nipple that no one knows about? You know what I mean? Like, come on now. Everybody’s weird.
— Tara Holloman

Tara Holomon, Flint, Michigan, 2023

This interview was done at The Disability Network in Flint, Michigan in May 2023 where Tara is the Health & Recreation Specialist. She talks to us about her journey with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, ADHD and living authentically.

For more Portraits of Persons with Disabilities interviews, click here.


We'll start with your name, please.


My name is Tara Holloman.


Alright, and how old are you?


I am 39.


Great, I’m 37, basically the same. Preferred pronouns?


She/her, and I'm okay with they/them as well.


Okay. Would you mind sharing about your disability?


You know, I don't mind. I have a very weird journey with my disability but I have ADHD, I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Depression, recently found out I have an autoimmune disease. And I also have a hypermobility disorder. And all of that comes together, it is because of that.


Yeah, yeah, it does it 


I didn’t know.


So did you just find out that you're hypermobile? Okay. And how did that come to light? 


Literally, Katie. [Katie is the Advocacy Director at the Disability Network in Flint, MI where this interview took place.]


Okay, I was gonna ask.


Seriously, if it wasn't for Katie, I was just talking to her and explaining, just me and my body and different things and I just was like, your body's weird too, cool. Yeah, I danced my whole life and because I was really heavy and overweight, no one cared. You're just a fat girl who's flexible. And I was like, cool. It's my knee. Then, I lost all that weight and I was still super flexible and in pain. And I was always in pain, but everyone dismissed it. [It’s] your weight; you're obese. All you have to do is lose your weight. You have arthritis. Well, at 22 I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis and the guy was like, you have arthritis, like a 75 year old woman, and I was 22. And I was like, I'm sorry. I don't know. 

But then at 28 I actually had blown my knee out and a completely torn meniscus. And I get into the MRI, and the doctor was like, what have you done your whole life? And I was like, live… I danced. And he was like, you have a completely severed ACL. It's just in and there's old blood attached to it. So it's years old. 


Oh my god, and you were walking around like that?


And I don't know how you're walking like that. And I was like, well, I am always in pain. I don't know. I'm in pain. So I just keep it pushing. Because, I don't know how to explain that, you know?. But apparently, when I was 14, I had severed my ACL. I know the exact moment it happened. Because I was in dance class. I did a pirouette, and it was the first day we were learning doubles, and I nailed it. And then my knee went that way. And I went that way. And I landed on the floor. And I was so embarrassed. And in pain. I got up, went to the bathroom, smashed my face. And I looked in the mirror and I was like, suck it up. Do it again. I went back to class. And I went home and would not let my mom take me to the doctor. Then I got in a car accident about two years later and messed up this side. 


And that was your good side?


Yeah, and so I just figured I was like, so I have messed up joints and that’s just normal. I’m a dancer, I fall a lot. I didn't know none of those things are normal. Yeah. And so Katie really, like wrapped it up in a bow. And then I started talking to my doctors about it and yeah.


Wow. So do you know if you have like the Ehlers Danlos? Like hypermobility is a spectrum and like, I don't have EDS, but I'm hypermobile.


I haven't been diagnosed, but I have if you could say there's like 10 symptoms of Ehlers, I have like 9 ½ . So yeah, I think I have actually, EDS, and that's what Katie's like you have all of them. Like, I actually think I have it, but um, I don't have the official diagnosis. I just have all the official pains.


Yeah. Honestly, if you just say you have it, I mean, of course, you want the diagnosis for yourself, but that's gonna take forever…


Yeah, actually, I just say yeah, I have EDS.


Just put it in my chart, like you don't care, you don't need to see the paperwork. Wow. So the word hypermobility, like, how old were you when he started speaking that?


Everyone calls it double jointed. So like, they just were like, oh, that's weird, you’re double jointed. I was like, is that a cool thing?

I was like, I’ll be weird. I love to be weird. I'm just like, cool, I don't want to be like you, cause you is not me, and I wanna be like me. Yeah, I'll be weird. But they call it double jointed. And then they thought it was just like, every doctor has always just been like, wow, that's weird that that does that, and then they move on. No one ever addresses it. Even my therapists, like PTs and OTs, they’re like, it's weird that your body does that. That's not normal, it's supposed to be right here. Like my SI joint back here, goes like this. So I've been dancing and I would like, pop it out of a socket and I would be like, I don’t know why I can't walk, and they put it back. But I stand up and it goes right back.


I get that. I didn't know until like, a year or so ago that what I was feeling was something dislocating, I never had that language before. It's so crazy how you can live not knowing.


Just knowing this is my body. And you don't know if other people have this experience or if it's not normal. 


Yeah, exactly. 


I hate the word normal, but you know what I mean.


Oh, yeah, exactly. And then I'm sure, being a dancer, just so much gets pushed under that umbrella. And like the obesity thing too, just so much gets pushed under that. It's like, it's this, it's this, it’s this. Wow, well, I’m so happy to have you in the hypermobile family. We bend all over.


That's my favorite thing to say. I'm just super bendy.


Is anyone else in your family hypermobile?


The funniest thing is, a couple months ago, we were just sitting at the table, me and my step sisters and our sister. And we were like, yeah, we're really worried about Trey, that's my younger brother, and I was like, what's going on? And they're talking about him, they were like, we really think he has hypermobility issues. And I was like, shut up. My brother has been having knee issues and his PT, it just keeps going. And I was like, this is genetic. yes. My dad has really bad joints. My grandpa, like we have, I have long skinny fingers, that's overly flexible, but he had really bad arthritis. And by the time he was like, he couldn't fit, his joints froze. But all of his joints did weird things. And same with my dad. And I'm like so nobody’s gonna check this out.


Yeah. We're all just fine with this? Doctors are like if it's not killing ya, then what am I here for? 


Right. Plus the neurodivergent side of it. My brother has autism. And we're about 99% sure my dad does too. So I'm like, I have ADD/ADHD like a mofo, like come on now.


Isn't it crazy how those are connected too? I think it's like 30%. That's what I read, and who knows, maybe I'm remembering it wrong. But yeah, that the ADD and the neurodivergence goes along with the connective tissue.


Isn’t it wild? When you think about it, if everything is moving so quick and fast in there, maybe it's because everything is just smooth.




Sorry, I’m very expressive.


That’s okay, you’re in good company.

But, yeah, it's like what came first in a way like, the hypermobility or the ADD? I don't know. They just kind of inform each other constantly. Yeah. Yeah, I understand. 


You are my people. 


Yes. All right. Well, what do you like to do for fun?


I kinda like to do everything.


Another ADD in the thing…


Yeah, but obviously dance. So I love creative arts, dance, music. I like going to Broadway shows. I like karaoke, and being weird and silly and just like laughing a lot. But I also love to be in nature. And I like to read and I like to journal and I'm a writer. So I'm very much, extremely both sides of the spectrum.


Yeah, yeah. You like livin’ and you like the solitude. 


Yes, there’s no inbetween.


What do you like to write?


I like to write poetry. And I really like to, I guess nonfiction. I like to write, like, self help, empowerments. I'm kinda, I'm a therapist. And I want to be a, what's it called? Limited? An LPC.


Did someone tell me do you run some art thing here?


Yes, I run TD & Connect, which is our free and recreation and health program. But through that, I have an art class that I do at Flint Institute of Art. And then we're working on hopefully getting in with some other organizations to do like adaptive dance classes. And right now, I'm a Chair One fitness instructor. So I teach chair fitness here. And we do lots of art. We do lots of mental health stuff. I like to teach coping skills with goal planning, budgeting, you know, independent life skills, but also like, how do you get unstuck? Because we get stuck. And we're our biggest issue. So I like to try to help people like, it's okay, we're all weird. Let's figure out how you're weird, so you can feel home in your weirdness. And live in it and be okay with that. And then advocate for other people like, hey, yeah, this is me. And I'm okay with it. Respect. 


Yeah, that's really cool. You do a lot. 


Yeah, it works for me and my ADHD. 


Yeah, it definitely does. So are you like, are you working on, I don't know, all like the licenses for social workers and therapists.


Yeah, currently, I'm a CTRS. So that's a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist. And then I have to go to school to get my masters, for the next step of therapy. 

And that then is the LPC.


Yes. I think it's, Limited Licensed Practice, Psychological Counselor or something like that? Essentially, it's just another fancy way to say a therapist.


Okay. Gotcha.


As far as social work, I think it's more, not necessarily specialized. But like, social work is very broad. And I think it's just more honed in on that one-on-one type therapy.


Okay. Yeah, we have a friend who's doing her master's in social work and I’m trying to keep up with it.


And social work is amazing. And I might even change my mind and do that a little bit easier and opens a lot more doors.


Oh, really? So you can hone in on being like the one on one therapy or you can go like more generalized?


Yes, you can be like, what we as a society think of a social worker, like working in public, like community or public health type stuff. You can do that. You can be a macro social worker, and work in nonprofit organizations and do a lot of advocacy type stuff, like some of what Jess [the LPC at the Disability Network] does, or you can do the one-on-one, like Jess does. There's so many different capacities for social work, and I think that's why it's so broad. It can cover various, all aspects of life. Whereas with the LPC, there's focus, like your schooling is focused on psychology and just the therapy. Not so much of the everything. And because I'm already a rec therapist and I have that, I just want to focus on that. But MSW is way simpler to attain.There’s more schools for it.


That makes a lot of sense. Wow, I’m learning so much about social work.


And I'm super long winded. So I'm sorry. 


No, no, you're doing great. All right. So cool. Wow, I've never heard of and tell me, you're a rec…


I’m a recreational therapist, a CTRS, that's what my license is called.


Okay, I’m gonna look into that for my own self.


Everyone should be a rec therapist, its the best job in the world. It gets no respect, but its fun, and it covers a lot. Like, I could be an event planner.


Yeah, it sounds like your skills are vast.


Or a therapist.


Cool, and it's just a fun way to interact with people. All right. Back on the interview, so what motivates or inspires you?


People. I have like, I don't know, I have like this inner drive, where I just have this compassion for people. I love people. I think we're all here together. Let's figure it out. But also, we're here to have a human experience, and we should nurture that, for ourselves and one another. And I don't feel like, I feel like right now, in our culture, in this world it's really heavy and it's very negative, and it's very externally focused. No one's paying attention to self. No one's nurturing self. Which means that you're not nurturing anyone outside of yourself either and no one in the world is, and so we're all, everything's deteriorating and dying and sad and tragic. And I want to help us come back to life.


It's beautiful, so eloquently said. So what change would you like to see for disabled people in the future?


I…that is a deep question. I want like, I know we have the ADA, which was so pivotal, and I wish we had that same energy going forth, so that the whole world would be like, yeah, we're all just people, with different abilities. And I wish we would see people for that, instead of the whole, colorblind culture. Like I was raised, where even my parents were like, everybody's the same. You're the same. It doesn't matter that you're brown and she's white. And that's beautiful, to an extent, but it's also hurtful. Because even as an adult now, I'm almost 40 and I’m just now like, learning how to be proud that I'm this black woman. You know what I mean? Because I spent so much of my time pretending to be like everyone else that it was hard for me to step into me. And so I want people who have disabilities to feel like it's okay to be different or not what everyone else thinks is normal. And I want other people to realize you have a disability too and just fucking own it. That's how I feel. I feel like, please, accept who you are in the mirror, so you can accept all the people around you. And chances are you have a disability. You have what you have some pain in your elbow? That's a disability, honey. I got some arthritis. You wear glasses? Do you have a little third nipple that no one knows about? You know what I mean? Like, come on now. Everybody’s weird. 


Stop trying to act so like normal all the time.


I want for one day for it to be the new norm to be like seeing someone with an assistive device, or have someone with a visible disability and people respect it and don't acknowledge it as their first thing, as their definer, or their identifier.


I get that. Because yeah, I mean, as a disabled person, like I like I just want to be Laura. Just let me be Laura. 


Right? Cause that's all you are. 


And all that other stuff is just a part of it.


They just comprise Laura.




Its just a little piece of who you are. I do feel like now that I've learned that I have hypermobility or EDS, I have to own that. It makes me make more sense to myself. However, it doesn't change who I am, and how I move in this world. So why should that change for other people? Like why would you, why do we have to judge that? You using a wheelchair does not affect the person that you are.


Exactly. Like you are who you are. 


Some people can't talk, some people can't hear, some people can’t see. That's okay. We support each other, right?


Yeah, the sooner we all just accepted our weirdness, God, the easier it would be.


Right? Let's all just look in the mirror and say I love you. Yeah, yourself. Cry it out because I know that feels uncomfortable. And you’re really uncomfortable and you’re like, I don’t know.


I like your message of like, it starts with you, accept you and love yourself and then you can love other people. 


Thank you. It's my mantra.


It's a good one. You're an excellent therapist. Awesome. Anything else you want to say or add?


I am very excited for your project.


Oh, thank you. 


So, I want to support it in whatever way I can. I think it’s awesome.


Thank you. Well, hopefully these will be up in a gallery and I can invite you to come and look. 


I'm going to speak it into existence. I've already told people, it's gonna be up in Detroit and Chicago. It’s gonna be a big deal.


Okay, I feel that.


I’m owning that for you. I did that for you. It's manifested.


All right. It's gonna happen. 

Portraits of Persons with Disabilities: Mia Diaz Garcia Wells

An interview with Mia Diaz Garcia Wells. They share their story about living with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety and Major Depressive Disorder. Mia shares their experiences with identity and self-expression, and desires more intersectional inclusivity in disability movements. They talk about coming out as disabled and LGBTQIA.

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Portraits of Persons with Disabilities: Jessica Mae Dixon

I tell people, my disability gets to introduce me before I ever get to introduce myself, [because I] have a seen disability. And I feel like that’s really unfair... no, I don’t feel like it’s unfair, it’s a shame. Cause I’m so much more than that. I think sometimes people get really uncomfortable, not with the disability, but the fact that I am vulnerability walking around. Like the most vulnerable parts of yourself that terrify you, I’m that.
— Jessica Mae Dixon

Jessica Mae Dixon, May, 2023.

This interview was conducted in partnership with the Disability Network in Flint, MIchigan, where Jessica works as a counselor. She shares her experience living and aging as a woman with Cerebral Palsy.


What is your name?


My name? Do you want my full name, like the birth name? My full name is Jessica Mae with an E. Dixon. I'm going to be 42 in two weeks.


Uh, your skin looks amazing.


Thank you. Um, my preferred pronouns are she and they. Um, disability. This is the thing I'm most comfortable with sharing. I've been at TDN [The Disability Network] 14 years, so I've been here a while and I forget sometimes when I go out, that people don't normally like talking about disability. 


Yeah, people aren’t as well versed in it.


And I like give people disabilities. I'm like, they obviously have to have a disability. What's your disability? And they’re like, I don't have a disability. Um, I tell people I double, triple dip in the disability pool. So, I was born with cerebral palsy. And I also identify with a mood disorder. I have depression. I also have anxiety. I have asthma. I manage that with inhalers. I have high blood pressure, but I manage that with medication. I think that's it, not that I'm trying to acquire more. But I also tell people, you know, at some point in your life, you will be a part of the community, whether it's temporary or permanent, right? And aging in itself is a disability, right? So yeah, that makes sense. Um, is there anything else that you want to know about the disability specifically?


Cerebral palsy, so that's like from birth, you're born with cerebral palsy, right?


So yeah, it's considered a developmental disability. It affects my motor skills, balance. Specifically for me, on my right side, both upper and lower extremities. I mean, some people with CP can have cognitive impairments, but then there's some people with CP that never walk, they never talk. You know, some people might say, Well, yours is real mild. I've met people that like, this girl told me once she had CP and I was like, bullshit. It took me a minute to kind of find it. It was really, really subtle, but that's the kind of thing I like about disability. It's such a broad spectrum. Right? And I have to remind people sometimes just because I have CP doesn't mean I know everyone with CP.


Yes, it doesn't mean like, yeah, I represent everyone with CP either.


I even went on a date with a guy that had CP once, and it was horrible, because he didn't have a lot of disability acceptance. And then he fell while we were on our date and he was so pissed. I was like, okay, dude, I get pissed, too, I get it, but like, you’re with me. And I always have had assistive devices. These are Sheila [pointing to her crutches]. This is Outdoor Sheila because she has an icepick. And this is indoor Sheila, cause when I'm at home, I just use one. Because I think I'm a badass at home. It's a small space and things are where I like it.  It's just like, Yeah, I've been using them six years, um… didn't really like them. Some days I don't like them. But I have way more energy when I use them. For end of the day stuff like if I want to go to the park after work, I have energy to do that. They do prevent falls, but I have fallen with them. So they're not 100% I can't say like they say they save me everytime, they don’t. But yeah, that's something I would say new, being 42 and only having used them the last six years. They’re new… I call them accessories, right? Like yeah, I'm an action figure that come with accessories. 


I found the hashtag babes with mobility aids, and that made me just so happy. 

Yeah! I've done an Instagram post with that. Because even when I was thinking about this photography of people disabilities, I do not have many many pictures if at all, if any of me, like my whole body, because I wouldn't say I don't like looking at myself, but seeing myself with my aids. I don't see myself like that. Does that make sense? 


It does because I also I have like an altered gait and I've used mobility aids and I understand like you see everyone else moving and you think you move like everyone else. 


…Exactly the same! Yeah, I remember like one time, I don't know how old I was, I got to see a reflection of myself coming to the sliding doors and I freaked out. Because I was like no wonder people are staring at me or no wonder I get weird looks. I would look like that if I was coming towards somebody.


I totally get that, yeah. I've seen videos of me as a child and I’m like how is that person moving?

Or people think you're in pain all the time. I mean, for me at least the more weight I gain the heart, the more pain I'm in. So, that does cause pain, but like, people think I'm suffering or, you know, I'm just having a hard time and it's like, no, dude, I'm just trying to get where I'm going, pay my bills and go get a cheeseburger. I'm just living my life. Right?


Yeah, this is just how I move.


Right, this is just how I move


Have you always had mobility aids?


Yes, well, no, I mean, I had a walker and a wheelchair for a while. Then I think about second grade, good gold golden, I grew up on a farm, so, very active, I did everything all my siblings did, and then just as I gained weight and got injuries, then like, my mobility started to get a little bit harder. So I mean, if you would have said maybe like, three years ago, I'd be like, I’m gonna get rid of these like, I’m working on it, I don't need them. Now, I’m just like, if I get rid of them, great, if I don’t, oh well.


Yes, I know, the acceptance that comes with that.

Yes, it takes some time. And it's funny, because I'm also a licensed counselor. So like, I'm counseling people with disabilities, and most of the people I work with acquire disabilities, which I find it really interesting. I don’t work with a lot of people like myself. And so when they're pissing and moaning about how their body has changed, or what they have to do differently, I'm just, I give more grace than I used to, because now I know what it's like to have your disability evolve and change over long periods of time. But at the end of the day, like, I get to call them on their shit, because I myself have been there and gotten over it. Like, yep, we can set a timer. You can have pity for 5 minutes, and then we're gonna move on. So, it's kind of like, I live in this space, where I see a lot of myself sometimes reflected in the people that I see, but I wouldn't want to be doing anything else. I don't really want to work with the worried-well, I want to work with people that are worried about real life shit, even if I can't solve it. 


Worried-well, I’ve never heard that, but I like it.


Yeah, that's what my mentor called it because I thought that's what I wanted to do. I thought I wanted to like, hold my own practice, have clients and she's like, a lot of your clients are just gonna be the worried-well, I'm like, I don't think I'm gonna like that.


Yeah, you’d be like, what do you have to complain about? 


Yeah, your son doesn't get all A's, right?


I was also born with my disability, I have Larsen’s Syndrome and it affects my mobility. It's a connective tissue disorder. But I get what you mean, like, you grow up and you're fine. And actually, I had braces and then didn't use any mobility aids for a long time, too. And now I'm just using knee braces, custom shoes, but also realizing, oh, yeah, my disability is changing, as I'm getting older now, in a way I feel kind of affected by it and…

It creates more barriers. And it might not even be like big barriers to people who don't know what it is to live inside your body, but to us, it's another marker, at least in my mind, it's like, oh, yeah, dummy, you have a disability. I don't walk around and think I don't, and I'm not in denial. But a lot of my years, I joke that I'm a recovering Catholic. But like, being in the church and stuff, you know, and like being the youngest person to grow up and get your, you know, healing hands laid on you. Like, you know, God can heal you. And I'm just like, pluck this, I’m out of here. 


Yeah, like heal me from what?


Yeah, like, you also supposedly created me in this image, so I’m confused. There's kind of a paradox here. But yeah, that was the only time where I felt really gross about my disability was when it was just like, well, you're special, and also, you could be healed at any time. And so it's like, but that doesn't mean I'm special anymore?


Yeah and you're like, I'm kind of like, I'm fine with what I got going. Yeah, I understand that.


It was definitely a rough road and not having people similar to me, around, that look like me, or or thought like I did. I mean, I had a few friends in school, but they had significant disabilities, blindness, wheelchair user. And at that time, because I didn't use a lot of devices, I'm like, well, I don't really fit in that group either, right? 


Do you know many people with CP now?


I do. I do, but that's what's bullshit, I say too about having like developmental disabilities. All the funding and all the studies are on young people, and there isn't as much as like aging with your disability. And so it's hard to find as an adult, like, is this normal? Like, I just like I'm telling you everything, I just got done a few months ago with incontinence, physical therapy for incontinence. And I learned a ton. And I learned it's more than just my CP, there's some other things that are going on. But it's like, once I knew where to look, and the lady helped me look into articles. It was like, oh, this is common for people as they- well, I thought, maybe it's just me cause I’m getting old and I’m a woman. It's that, and it's this, and it's this, and it’s this. But it's like, no one's talking about it. Or there's not a place where I can go find it readily to be like, okay, like, this is how you handle it. This is what you do, type of thing. That gets frustrating sometimes. Not that I don't want kids to have fun doing your research, but I think sometimes adults as we age, with disabilities, kind of get lost in the fold.


Absolutely. Yeah. And I think you see that too, like growing up with a disability and like, how much attention and in a way, like, have a plan like the medical world has for you, like, you're gonna do this and this and this and this, and then you turn 18, and it's like, alright, later days.

Yeah, because they lie to you. They told me like, you're you're gonna get your college paid for you're gonna get this, and I didn’t get none of that crap. And that’s okay, I'm never one for a handout, I'm always one for a hand up. If it's available and it makes sense to me and I can help somebody else, but yeah, that’s a total myth. You know, but I remember too, now that I'm older and I have the background and education that I do, and just working as long as I have, I remember like, when I was 10, I think I got an award from the town that I lived in for like, something I didn't even do. Just like showing off. And in that time, I was so excited. I got like, ice cream, my picture taken with the mayor and like, it was so cool. And that was so fucking ableist. I did nothing. It's because I had a disability that people were like, let's give this little girl something.


And then it gives you a false idea of the real world too, because you realize as an adult, no one's gonna give a shit.


And I don’t want people to give a shit either. When people come up to me at the grocery store and be like, I just want to say you are doing such a great job. I wanna be like, lady get the fuck out of my way. Let me get my taco fixings and get out. Like I’m not here to be your inspiration. They call that inspiration porn, in the disability community. And then I think like, wow, that hasn't happened a while, and I’ll think we're getting somewhere and then it'll pop up, like it never fails, like you can't get away from it.


[Laughing] Constantly inspiring people, despite my efforts not to.


Or, like someone will say, someone said to me yesterday, like, “you look like you're suffering.” And I'm like, you know what I'm suffering from? Inflation. [laughter] I could use a raise. 


[Laughs] Honestly, yes.


Or you know what else I’m suffering from? My partner doesn’t listen to me. Right? I don’t know if you could talk to them? But yeah, humor works, humor works well. 


Yeah. That's what someone else was saying earlier. Um, can I ask, do you like notice are more people telling you what an inspiration you are like, now that you're using mobility aids?


I get more pity now, than I did before. Because I just kind of walked around was just like, I don't have time for, you know, like, I'm doing what I'm doing. And now, like, with the aids, and just my body in time. I, you know, it takes me a minute. And people, they tend to be like, you know, let me help you. And it's just like, I'll ask you if I need help. And I tell people, like, people that I've gotten to know, you know cause someone at work came to me and said, you know, I'm just really worried for you, and I just want to help and just try to be kind. I was like, that's a you thing. You're uncomfortable with something that I'm doing just to navigate the space, or whatever. That's how I do things. If you're uncomfortable, that's about you. And it's not my job as a therapist, or as your coworker to help you figure that out. You need to go talk to somebody, to figure that out. Because I tell people, my disability gets to introduce me before I ever get to introduce myself, when you have a seen disability. And I feel like that's really unfair… No, I don't feel like it's unfair, it's a shame. Cause I'm so much more than that. And then I also recognize because you can see the differences that I have, I think sometimes people get really uncomfortable not with a disability, but the fact that I'm vulnerability walking around. Like the most vulnerable parts of yourself that terrify you, I’m that.


You're just like out on display in a way.


Correct. But to me, it's just like, I pay my bills. I'm getting things I like. You know? 


Yeah, it's all a part of living. 

It's all part of living. I wouldn't know any different. You know and like, you know, somebody said, if there was a pill, would you take it? When I was 15, I would have said yes. Now, go to the next person.


I hear ya. I remember talking to people about that, and being like no, I think I'm fine how I am. I don't need to change anything.


It's not like we're fine. I mean, everybody's losing their shit. Some people just tuck it in better than other people.


That's true. And this does give you a little more just, I don't know, stamina or like humor, just having a disability.

It does, it does. You have to or else I think society gets the best of you. 


Yeah, that's true, or else you’d just cry every day. 

Which, I do that too [laughs]. 


If I’m not laughin’, I’m cryin’.


Yes, it's cathartic. It's cathartic. Um, what do I do for fun? Um, I don't know, I spend a lot of time with my dog, it's a pug. I like to read. I just like spending time with people. I like to eat. I think if somebody asked me, what do you do for fun and I’d be like, I eat? I like spending time with people, just people in general. I don't really have to know them that well, either. Obviously. I just like meeting people, connecting with people, understanding people. You know, paying attention to you know, just how people navigate life.


Yeah, I get that people are interesting. That's why I like doing this. 

I bet! Yeah, but I don't do anything too wild. 


Do you do any like crafting? Do you have any hobbies? 


I guess besides reading, not really I'll do crafts. I write poetry. But like, I don't share it with people or anything. Yeah, just like something private that I do. I like foreign films. I like thrifting. COVID gave me a really bad thrifting relationship. But you know, I like it. You know, and I try to play by the rules. Like if I thrift one thing, then one thing has to come out. I can’t keep collecting. I do have like 200 books in my apartment though. So, like books don't have a rule. 


No, they don't. Yeah, I'm in a book club and a lot of our members, I'm too cheap to buy a book, so just do everything at the library. But yeah, they just got books on books on books.


Yep. Yeah. And that's what they're there for. That's what they're there for. 


They're beautiful to look at. And do you remember in the pandemic, when you're like, oh my God, is the electricity gonna go out? Am I gonna be someone who finally reads all these books? 

[Reading the prompt] what motivates or inspires me? Um, my curiosity.


Oh, that's a good one. Yeah, that’s probably is what gets you to like being around people too.

Yep, my thirst for knowledge and my curiosity, I think are what motivates me and inspires me at the same time.


That's great. That's such like a gift to be born with too.

And I'm a Gemini, so it's pretty much like it's all wrapped up in there.

[Reading the prompt] What change would you like to see for people disabled people in the future? That’s a really good question. I think for people to recognize we all have something. Not such a divide, I guess in between, like the us and them. Right, like, well, you're part of this community now. It's like, why can't we just be part of the human condition? That's what I would like to see is more people just recognizing the distance between me and Brian [gestures to Brian] is shorter than you think.


Yeah, like disability is a construct. It's really all it is.


It is, and it comes in many flavors. I'm just a really spicy flavor. [Laughter] And then there’s other people who are just like vanilla. And, you know, I think two people have this idea that disability has to be seen. It has to be tragic. It has to be, you know, very charity driven. And the reality is, is like no, like, disability is the human experience.


So well said. Like drop the mic right there. Because it is the human experience. Thank you.

Picture Day with Detroit Disability Power

As a member of Detroit Disability Power, I am always looking for ways to use my photography skills to empower the disabled community. This month, we partnered to put up a community engagement event we called ‘Picture Day.‘ The goal was to engage with the Detroit community and provide people with headshots they could use for professional and networking purposes. We had a great turnout and created some beautiful portraits. Check them out below! And if you would like to get your headshot taken, contact me here.

A Celebration of Portraits of Persons with Disabilities

I had a wonderful month full of photoshoots and interviews with the disabled community. The photographs created this past month aren’t ready to be released quite yet. However, I do have some photographs from the first Portraits of Persons with Disabilities session in March 2020. Take a look at these lovely portraits and check back for more updates about the project.

Portraits of Persons with Disabilities: Outtakes

Recently, I met with my new friend Chris. He volunteered to sit and be interviewed for my project Portraits of Persons with Disabilities, an ongoing series promoting disability visibility. (If you would like to volunteer, sign up here.) Here are some outtakes of his photoshoot. Chris is posing with his service dog, Winston, in Highland Park, Michigan.

More Headshots

In the last few weeks, I’ve taken headshots for two of my friends, Rebecca and Kit. Rebecca is an actress looking for a headshot more true to life than her current headshot. Kit is a massage therapist starting her own business who needed a headshot for her website. Both ladies are very talented and made great models. Take a look!

Headshots & Hip Pain

Lately, I’ve been struggling with some hefty hip pain. As a result, I haven’t been able to shoot as much as I’d like. Last week, I was able to squeeze in a quick headshot session with my BFF. He needed an updated headshot for an audition coming up. Obvi, he is a great model, thus we had this session done in 15 minutes. Off camera flash and natural light were used. For those wondering, yes, he got a call back. Check out this one shot wonder…


Family Photography: McDonald Family

I’ve known the McDonald’s for over 10 years, they are always so gracious and a joy to be around. Earlier this summer, I went to their family home where I got to meet the newest addition of the family, baby Violet. She was just weeks old when these photos were taken. Have a look!

Family Photography + Cake Smash: DeRoo Family

On a rainy Sunday in June, my husband and I drove to Schaumburg to do a family photoshoot with one of his oldest friends, Chris DeRoo. Brian has known Chris since they were maybe 5 years old? He's also known Chris's wife, Megan, since high school as Chris & Megan were high school sweethearts. They now have two beautiful boys and are in the process of relocating to St. Louis. Their youngest son, Henry, just turned one, so we added a cake smash to the session. Take a look!