After a cool 3 hour drive from Chicago, we made it to Brian’s cousin’s house in Oshkosh, WI. It was Memorial Day weekend and technically our first anniversary. We decided to spend the weekend with Ashley (Brian’s cousin) and her husband Jeff. Practically newlyweds themselves, they just purchased their first home, where Brian and I hadn’t yet been.

We made it! Let's drink!
Upon arrival, we were greeted with enthusiasm and a plethora of drink options.

After a tour of the house and some strong cocktails we turned our attention to this chest of Grandma’s.

It was full of vintage clothes & accessories from Grandma’s life. She wore this blue dress to her daughter’s wedding.

Some of the clothes had notes attached stating their significance.

We tried some on.

And threw away others. Like these pajamas. Uncle Glen died in them. Gross.

There was this incredible kimono. Sadly, it did not have a note attached.

Then we went out on the town to scope the local scene. Brian kept it classy.

Jeff & Brian

Ashley’s friend Erin met up with us.

Then we went to another bar. This one had a beer garden and the best ambient lighting for my Sony camera.

We took a lot of pictures.

The next morning.

Ashley & Sophie.

Lunch on the water, because you know, Wisconsin.
Sadly, my beautiful, new Sony digital camera got knocked off the table at this restaurant. It is not currently working. I don’t want to talk about it.

We stopped at a greenhouse thinking it would have a variety of plants for great prices (because we’re from Chicago).

It did not, but we got some great pics… with our iphones… sigh…

The local dog park is weird.

Hit up a local shop. Bought some wine, for the label of course.

Downtown Oshkosh.

Sushi restaurant.

Comical downtown window display.

After dinner drinks.

And dessert.

I used to live on Wilson and like this tile.

The night ended with a game of Trivial Pursuit.

Got McDonald’s breakfast on our way back to the city. They gave me a free coffee! It deserved a photo.

We had to hit up an antique shop before we left.

more like Memorial Day Weekend, May 25-27, 2018